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Legal Experts In

High-Stakes Business Matters & Family Wealth Protection

Versatile, non-linear problem solving to protect your assets, business, family and peace of mind.

Have Confidence That You Are
Making The Right Strategic Moves

Access to Multidisciplinary
Problem Solving

Grounded, Forward-Thinking
Approach to Risk Management

Do you face high-stakes legal problems that cross over into business, family, and personal life?

Complex legal issues can arise at any moment. The problems often have no clear linear solution and can span multiple legal disciplines.

You can be left feeling that there are gaps in your risk management.

It’s vital that you’re able to make the right strategic moves to protect your business, assets and legacy.

You don’t want to have to manage a different lawyer for every area of concern. You need multifaceted, adaptable legal problem solving that considers all aspects of your business and life.

How Capital Five

helps you

Protect and grow the goodwill of your business

For businesses, we partner with you to identify and manage risks to protect you from past, present and future gaps and threats so that you can focus on your business and grow its value.

Ensure your family wealth & legacy for generations to come

For business owners and family groups, we project manage your legal needs and issues. Asset protection, estate planning, family disputes and other areas that require forward-thinking risk management.

Safeguard your high-stakes business decisions

When you encounter a high-stakes, high-value problem that might impact your business and assets, we have a versatile mindset and multi-disciplinary skills to help you solve it.

You’ve worked hard all these years to grow your wealth and assets.

Now you need someone to work hard to protect it.

How Capital Five

partners with you

We invest the time, upfront, to thoroughly understand your business, portfolios, issues and assets at stake

We problem-solve with you to protect your business, assets and wealth

Full confidence that you are making the right strategic moves in business and life

At Capital Five, our leading priority in asset protection and tax advisory is expanded into these specialised services:

Bespoke Transaction Services

Structuring / Restructuring

Estate and Succession Planning



Dispute Management

Get versatile, grounded and forward-thinking legal advice you can trust.